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Company Loan Singapore
secured loan Singapore

5 Tips When Applying For a Company Loan

A company loan is a type specialized for businesses that need some financing to cater to their needs. This can either be in operational expenses or expansion expenses. At times, the sales in your company may not be working well, or you need some extra cash for the sake of the growth of the company. […]

Unsecured Loans Singapore
secured loan Singapore

Guides to Borrowing Unsecured Loans in Singapore

Have you ever heard of unsecured loans?  Well, there are both secured and unsecured loans that have different terms. For the unsecured types of loans, you won’t require any kind of collateral to get a loan. However, for secured loans, you will need to have collateral to ensure that you get your loan on time. […]

Tips and Guides

5 Tips When Applying for a Company Loan in Singapore

As you plan to build your business, it’s almost impossible you won’t apply for a loan. As hopeful as you can be that you will get financing, one thing that instantly crushes your dream is – loan rejection. This is something that over 80% of businesses in Singapore experience, and this could be you some […]

Tips and Guides

How To Get A Loan With No Income?

The COVID-19 pandemic tampered with the global economy. Many businesses had to shut down, while others had to restructure their working process by cutting costs and expenses. This led to people being laid off from work, while others had to get lower salaries. In an attempt to barely survive, personal loans became a solace to […]

Loans Singapore
legal money lender

Disadvantages of Taking a Loan from “Loan Shark”

Loan sharks are illegal money lenders operating in Singapore and usually target poor and desperate borrowers. As compared to the recommended licensed moneylender, they pretend to be the best lenders that you can ever get. They attempt to lure you into borrowing with them by being friendly and offering very attractive terms when the bank […]